Vitalik Buterin’s Warning: Avoid Overloading Ethereum’s Consensus Layer

Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, emphasizes the importance of preserving minimalism and core functions

Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, has issued a warning about the potential risks associated with expanding the consensus layer of Ethereum beyond its essential functions of block validation and network security.

Core Functions of Ethereum Consensus

Le processus de consensus Ethereum implique la validation des blocs via le mécanisme de preuve de participation introduit en septembre 2022 avec “la fusion”.

Préserver le minimalisme et atténuer les risques

Dans un article de blog intitulé “Ne surchargez pas le consensus d’Ethereum”, publié le 21 mai, Buterin a souligné la nécessité de décourager et de résister à l’utilisation du consensus du réseau d’Ethereum à des fins autres que ses fonctions principales. Il a averti que de tels efforts pourraient introduire des risques systémiques élevés pour l’écosystème.

The Urge to Extend the Blockchain’s Core

Buterin acknowledged the natural inclination to expand the blockchain’s core with additional functionality due to its significant economic weight and the large community that monitors it. However, he stressed that each extension makes the core more fragile.

High Systemic Risks and Examples

Certain proposals, such as utilizing Ethereum’s social consensus for price and data oracles, re-staking initiatives, or employing layer-1 soft forks to address issues in layer-2 projects, were identified as potentially posing high systemic risks. Buterin cited bugs and intentional 51% attacks as possible consequences.

The Need for Careful Consideration

While recognizing the necessity for improved oracles, Buterin suggested adopting a case-by-case approach, as different problems present inherent differences. He emphasized that expanding the responsibilities of Ethereum’s consensus layer amplifies the costs, complexities, and risks associated with operating a validator.

Cautionary Approach for Application-Layer Projects

Projects operating at the application layer that may risk broadening the scope of blockchain consensus beyond verifying the core Ethereum protocol rules should be treated cautiously. Buterin recommended preserving the chain’s minimalism, supporting re-staking approaches that do not pave the way for extending the role of Ethereum consensus and assisting developers in finding alternative strategies to achieve their security goals.

Transition to Proof-of-Stake and Validator Security Risks

The Ethereum consensus mechanism shifted from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake in September of the previous year. Moreover, the recent release of staked Ethereum for withdrawal through the Shapella upgrade on April 12 has drawn increased attention to validator roles and security risks within the world’s largest smart contract network.

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