Avail Launches Testnet Bridge Enabling Low-Cost Layer-2s on Ethereum

Avail, a blockchain network spun off from Polygon Labs, has introduced a testnet data availability bridge for Ethereum. This bridge allows developers to create cost-effective layer-2 solutions called ‘validiums’ that don’t store complete transaction data on the Ethereum network. Layer-2 rollup networks such as Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon zkEVM, and zkSync Era reduce transaction fees by consolidating transactions into compressed ‘rollups’ and periodically submitting them to the underlying base layer. However, since these networks still need to write all transactions to the base layer, they often incur higher transaction fees compared to layer-1 alternatives.

To address this issue, some networks have adopted a strategy where only validation proofs of transactions are written to the base layer while storing the full transaction data off-chain. This results in the emergence of ‘validium’ networks. For instance, StarkEx utilizes a validium mode that stores data with a Data Availability Committee (DAC) instead of on Ethereum. It is anticipated that Polygon PoS will adopt a validium approach, storing its data on a proof-of-stake chain in 2024.

The newly launched Avail bridge enables developers to swiftly create customized validiums by storing their transaction data on the Avail network, eliminating the need to establish their own DAC or proof-of-stake data availability network. When users wish to withdraw cryptocurrency from a layer-2 solution back to Ethereum’s base layer, the Avail bridge transmits an attestation confirming the availability of the data on Avail, facilitating the withdrawal process.

Anurag Arjun, co-founder of Avail, expressed excitement about the launch of the Data Availability attestation bridge, highlighting its significance in advancing blockchain scalability and efficiency. By enabling rollup constructions to operate in validium, optimistic chains, and volition modes, the bridge not only reduces costs but also lays the foundation for a more inclusive and efficient layer-2 and layer-3 ecosystem.

Arjun has previously emphasized the increasing importance of data availability solutions as zero-knowledge proof rollups gain wider adoption in the Web3 space. Avail’s testnet bridge signifies a major step towards optimizing blockchain scalability while fostering a more affordable and accessible environment for layer-2 solutions on Ethereum.

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