Crypto Trader Discusses Possible Scenarios for Bitcoin’s Survival

In the latest episode of Cointelegraph’s Crypto Trading Secrets podcast, Benjamin Pirus interviews crypto trader Mohit Sorout to explore various aspects of the cryptocurrency market. One of the key topics discussed was the future of Bitcoin and the potential risks that could lead to its extinction.

Sorout highlighted two possible scenarios that might threaten Bitcoin’s survival. The first scenario involved someone developing a supercomputer capable of cracking seed phrases, which could compromise the security of Bitcoin wallets. Although this has been rumored in the past, Sorout expressed skepticism about its likelihood.

The second scenario Sorout mentioned was an attack on the Bitcoin network itself, specifically gaining control of the hash power. Such an attack could potentially undermine the integrity and decentralization of the blockchain. However, he also reassured listeners that he did not anticipate either of these scenarios happening, emphasizing the increasing chances of Bitcoin’s survival as it continues to exist over time—a concept known as the Lindy effect.

Apart from these discussions, the interview touched on other intriguing topics, including Sorout’s background as a trader. To listen to this episode and explore more episodes of Cointelegraph’s Crypto Trading Secrets podcast, interested individuals can visit Cointelegraph’s podcast page or find it on popular platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or TuneIn.

It is important to note that the article is intended for general information purposes only and should not be considered legal or investment advice. The views expressed by the author solely represent their opinion and do not necessarily align with those of Cointelegraph.

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