AI-Generated Fake News Fuels Rumors of Gary Gensler’s Resignation

In recent news, the resignation rumors surrounding Gary Gensler, the chair of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), have gained traction on social media, with artificial intelligence (AI) disinformation playing a role in their spread. On July 1, an article surfaced on a website named ‘,’ alleging that Gensler had submitted his resignation following an internal investigation, citing an anonymous official as the source.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the majority of the article’s text was generated by an AI model called ZeroGPT, scoring an astonishing 96.8% on the AI-detector ZeroGPT itself, indicating a high degree of AI text generation. Furthermore, the website hosting the article appeared to be relatively new, with only 17 posts in total, starting from June 22nd. These posts also exhibited significant reliance on AI-generated content, with all articles scoring around 70% on ZeroGPT’s AI-detection scale.

Compounding the issue, multiple Twitter accounts reposted the false information, amplifying its reach. One particular tweet by the account @whalechart garnered 1.4 million views, contributing to the spreading of misinformation. However, on July 3, Charles Gasparino, a reporter from Fox Business Network, confirmed through SEC sources that Gary Gensler is not resigning, debunking the rumors.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time rumors regarding Gensler’s resignation have circulated. In April, unverified claims of Gensler preparing to be ‘fired’ emerged from questionable sources. Then, in June, lawmakers introduced a bill called the ‘SEC Stabilization Act,’ which aimed to remove Gensler from his position, labeling him a ‘tyrannical Chairman.’

The incident highlights the challenges posed by AI-generated fake news and its impact on social media platforms. The rapid dissemination of false information can lead to significant confusion and speculation among users. It underscores the importance of critical thinking and verifying sources before accepting information as genuine.

This episode also underscores the ongoing scrutiny surrounding Gensler’s role as SEC chair and the contentious landscape of cryptocurrency regulation. Gensler’s position has faced criticism and opposition, with lawmakers introducing bills seeking his removal.

In conclusion

The spread of AI-generated fake news regarding Gary Gensler’s resignation illustrates the prevalence and potential consequences of disinformation in the age of social media. It emphasizes the need for vigilance when consuming news and reinforces the significance of reliable sources and fact-checking in an increasingly interconnected world.

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