BIP39 Colors: A New Approach to Securely Storing Crypto Seed Phrases

In an interview with Cointelegraph, a developer known as Entero Positivo unveiled a tool called ‘BIP39 Colors’ that offers a unique way to safeguard Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallet seed phrases. Traditional storage methods are often too obvious and susceptible to theft, prompting the need for a more discreet approach.

BIP39 Colors, released on June 25, converts a 12- or 24-word seed phrase into an array of colors, seemingly random and unassuming. By translating BIP39 mnemonic words into eight or 16 colors along with their corresponding hex codes, this tool offers a secure alternative for storing seed phrases.

According to Entero Positivo, the colors aren’t solely representations of the BIP39 words; they also encode the position of each word within the seed phrase. This allows users to store their phrases in various locations, making it less obvious to potential hackers or thieves who gain access to physical or digital spaces.

To ensure maximum security, the developer advises users to avoid using the tool on internet-connected devices. Instead, it is recommended to download and use it offline, or even manually create a color swatch using a calculator.

The BIP39 Colors tool provides an innovative solution to mitigate the risk of exposing seed phrases publicly. Instances have occurred where entire seed phrases were inadvertently revealed, such as in a viral video featuring a police officer’s body camera footage capturing a suspect’s seed phrase on a slip of paper.

By leveraging BIP39 Colors, crypto users can enhance the security of their seed phrases while maintaining accessibility. With the ability to save and distribute each color independently, the seed phrase can be stored in a disorderly manner across multiple locations, reducing the vulnerability of a single point of failure.


  • Cryptocurrency Security
  • Cold Storage Solutions
  • Privacy and Encryption

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