Use cases dictate the most appropriate blockchain, says Cardano Foundation exec

At the World Token Summit in Dubai, Mel McCann, vice president of engineering at the Cardano Foundation, spoke with Cointelegraph about the various use cases for different blockchains. According to McCann, there is no such thing as the ultimate blockchain, and each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. He argued that only the person creating a business could assess which blockchain would be most appropriate for their needs.

McCann also emphasized the importance of education in onboarding enterprises into Cardano and Web3, stating that they spend a lot of time on direct education with enterprises.

While blockchain offers many potential benefits in terms of tracking the history of anything, McCann said that enterprises do not need to entirely change their business models to adapt. Instead, they should look for ways to augment what they already do by leveraging Web3 capabilities.

Overall message

McCann’s overall message is clear: use cases dictate the most appropriate blockchain, and it’s up to businesses to assess which platform is the best fit for them. Education plays a critical role in helping enterprises understand how to leverage blockchain technology effectively.

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